Miss Venezuela 2023: Meet the contestants
The 25 beauties vying for Miss Venezuela 2023 officially presented in a glittering gala held on Saturday, September 9 in Caracas.
Hosted by Henrys Silva and Nieves Soteldo, the contestants officially received their sashes during the special program broadcasted by Venevisión.
Representing the 24 states and the federal district of Venezuela, they will compete for the national titles currently held by Diana Silva (Miss Universe Venezuela), Ariagny Daboín (Miss Venezuela World), and Andrea Rubio (Miss International Venezuela).
The next winners, to be crowned later this year at the Centro Comercial Líder, are expected to represent Venezuela at next year's Miss Universe, Miss World, and Miss International editions.
Meet the 25 contestants:
Anzoátegui - Giorgiana Rosas
Apure - Raulimar Díaz
Aragua - Georgette Musrie
Barinas - Racha Saab
Bolívar - Argiannis Luna
Carabobo - Mariangela Ramírez
Cojedes - Sheba Sichini
Delta Amacuro - Dayana Lara
Dependencias Federales - Irmar Cabrices
Distrito Capital - Victoria Abuhazi
Falcón - Cynthia Boscán
Guárico - Sakra Guerrero
La Guaira - Graciela Altuve
Lara - Mariam Samira Habach
Mérida - Daniela Celis
Miranda - María Gabriela Martínez
Monagas - Rosmellys Romero
Nueva Esparta - Katherine Sena
Portuguesa - Yuliana Hidalgo
Sucre - Anakristina Rivero
Táchira - Minerva Chuello
Trujillo - Omaira Morales
Yaracuy - Cindy Granadillo
Zulia - Sara Jordan
Photos: Yelitza Olivo / Venevisión, Johan Chango / Miss Venezuela