TRANSCRIPT: Mister Supranational 2023 Top 5 Q&A segment

The Top 5 finalists of Mister Supranational 2023 were given only 40 seconds to answer each of their questions during the final Q&A round of the competition. Read the questions and their answers below: Cameroon, Daniel Mbouda What is the best advice you received on your Mister Supranational journey? "The best advice I received was from Andre Sleigh. On the first day, he gave a speech about inspirational, aspirational. Aspirational means that you strive for something and inspirational means you have the ability to inspire people around you. I was very influenced by this speech and I adopt that as my motto." Korea, Lee Young-woo What is the most critical issue in the world today that you would wish to do something about? "I thought that the world is now encounter some kind of war so we have to protect ourselves and then respect to someone who can protect me and my family. So, to me always respect the soldiers and then the veterans, always." Spain, Iván Álvarez As a...